Well I've done 2 new sports in the past 3 weeks!!!! I'm always excited to try new things. My great friends, Brenda, Craig and their 2 year old, Ben invited me onto their 30 ft sailboat last weekend. I met them over in
Gibsons , where the Beachcombers was filmed and we sailed across the Georgia Straight. Well, we had to motor a ways since the wind wasn't very good. I was learning about the ropes and how the sails, etc worked. It was very relaxing just being on the water. We went over to
Newcastle Island just off Nanaimo and moored there. They have a dingy with a small motor so we could get over the island and beach. Went for a great run around the Island (8km trail) so you can get exercise while sailing which is great!!
We, then, went to the south end of
Gabriola Island. We caught some crabs - the ones you see in the water- but they were too small to keep. I got a pleasant job of helping to wash the scum off the undersurface of the boat. Gotta pay your dues!!! Ben was nice enough not to wake me up until 7am both mornings which I appreciate and he loved watching the float planes come in.
The last day we headed back across the straight and had some great wind and could sail all the way to English Bay. Had a little ocean swim also. It was a hot weekend out there, but so relaxing being on the water. I did get to steer a little until I screwed up slightly - no biggie, but wasn't asked to do it again. Oh well. Had to just lie on the front of the boat then. Sigh.