My adventures and other things I find interesting

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rock Climbing in Squamish

Last week, my longtime friend from back in London, Donna (who now lives in Boston) was out for a visit. She has taken up rock climbing back east and was eager to climb up in Squamish. OF course, I was more than willing to go with her!!! She had organized a guide from Squamish Rock Guides - if you go, ask for Crosby as he was awesome!!! We went up about halfway between Squamish and Whistler to the Chekeamus Canyon.

We started with about a 100ft. rappel right down to the Chekeamus River. It was amazing just being in the canyon with the whitewater just a step away! Here we are at the bottom.

The climb up was in 3 pitches - that means 3 rope lengths - between 5.6-5.9 difficulty. I had never done a multi-pitch climb so that was cool. It reminded me how much I do like to climb and haven't done much over the past few years. Time to get started. Donna now has this idea that she wants to climb the whole Chief next year. I could probably get talked into it, but I just want to get back out and climb some more.


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