Winter Camping
Well, this weekend I've crossed two things off my "bucket list". See the movie if you want more info on that. I've always wanted to sleep in a snow cave for just one night and, then, never again. Pete, being a former mountaineering instructor, seemed like the perfect person to take me since I didn't want any avalanches or the snow cave to collapse on us. We went up just past the Big White area to Idabel/McCullough Lakes. We snowshoed in a little ways. There wasn't a lot of snow so we had to shovel the snow to make a big mound for us to dig out then. Lots and lots of shovelling. It certainly wasn't the size I had thought of sleeping in. We got lots of pine bows for flooring for warm. Since the cave was small it was quite close to the entrance, plus I had busted a hole in the roof so it was really cold in there. We got the tent out instead. Pete used the stove inside the tent to warm us up. I would have been too scared to burn the tent down, but that's why I had my "guide" with me. Pete was freezing all night and didn't have a great sleep. I have never camped and woken up to everything inside the tent frozen with frost on the walls too!! Not exactly what I was looking for but at least I experienced it and don't need to do that for quite a while. Two things off my bucket list in one weekend with a willing partner. The things I make him do:).