My adventures and other things I find interesting

Monday, January 19, 2009

Winter Camping

Well, this weekend I've crossed two things off my "bucket list". See the movie if you want more info on that. I've always wanted to sleep in a snow cave for just one night and, then, never again. Pete, being a former mountaineering instructor, seemed like the perfect person to take me since I didn't want any avalanches or the snow cave to collapse on us. We went up just past the Big White area to Idabel/McCullough Lakes. We snowshoed in a little ways. There wasn't a lot of snow so we had to shovel the snow to make a big mound for us to dig out then. Lots and lots of shovelling. It certainly wasn't the size I had thought of sleeping in. We got lots of pine bows for flooring for warm. Since the cave was small it was quite close to the entrance, plus I had busted a hole in the roof so it was really cold in there. We got the tent out instead. Pete used the stove inside the tent to warm us up. I would have been too scared to burn the tent down, but that's why I had my "guide" with me. Pete was freezing all night and didn't have a great sleep. I have never camped and woken up to everything inside the tent frozen with frost on the walls too!! Not exactly what I was looking for but at least I experienced it and don't need to do that for quite a while. Two things off my bucket list in one weekend with a willing partner. The things I make him do:).


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