My adventures and other things I find interesting

Friday, May 12, 2006

Maya Angelou

Last night I went to see Dr. Maya Angelou speak about her unique life as part of the Unique Lives speaker series at the beautiful Orpheum theater. She is an anazingly accomplished woman in so many different areas with 60 Doctorates. She has helped the African-American culture along with other racism issues. She has empowered women with her famous poem "Phenomenal Women". Now, I have never been big into poetry, but to hear her read her own poem, with her strong, emotive voice and the depth of her exerpiences, I did not want her to stop.

The theme of her talk was a 'Rainbow in the Clouds'. To remind us of when someone has shown up to be a rainbow for us and even though it may have been a small, seemingly insignificant thing at the time, what changes it may have done for us long term. We can do this for others and we have no idea how far reaching a word of encouragement or whatever it is, can go. And how that person can then affect another person and so on.

She also made a funny point that we may yearn to have the life of someone else as it may look great from the outside, but we don't know what goes on day to day for them. She wanted us to celebrate our own unique life as no one else would want it anyways. Our life is shaped just for us and noone else. So go enjoy and celebrate your own unique life.


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