My adventures and other things I find interesting

Monday, May 01, 2006

Eagle Bluffs

Yesterday, George and I went hiking around Eagle Bluffs in West Vancouver. It is the start of the famous Baden-Powell trail and the Kneeknacker trail race. It's a beautiful rugged trail which then gets steep over a scree slope, but with great views!!! Right now, with the Olympics coming in 2010, road between Whistler and Vancouver is being widened and safer since there are a lot of deaths on it every year. This has been much needed and the Olympics are just making it happen now. Part of the widening would be to take out part of Eagle Bluffs and alter the trail. There is a HUGE protest going on there by the locals. A big camp is set up with tents, portapotties, etc. Not knowing all of the facts fully, this is may not be an accurate opinion. I don't like seeing the environment altered as I love it and think it should be protected, but for those who know the area, that part of the highway is a bottleneck especially with the ferry traffic right there. So to have that little section of the highway slow to flow of a lot of traffic doesn't make sense to me. The other side of the highway is residential so they would have to widen on the bluff side. Noone seems to have a problem with the blasting on the sections fo the road that noone lives on, but it is still the environment. There may be a lot more to it, but this is just what I think.


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