My adventures and other things I find interesting

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Tipping Point

I just got finished listening to the audio book the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. It's a book on his theories on how epidemics are spread. This is not just with disease, but with exploding business growth and marketing. He looks at the success of Hush Puppies, Sesame Street, Airwalk shoes and the rapid decline of crime in New York City. He explains his three main reasons of why these became successful. I won't get into the details here especially since I know nothing about marketing. One of the things I can take into my life came from how the crime declined in New York considerably. It started with the subway system and focussed on no graffitti and cracking down on fare beaters. These seemingly small things gave the message that bigger crimes wouldn't be tolerated if the smaller ones weren't and the physical environment was better. This did significantly decrease the subway crime which then they took this principle to the city. Would bigger things in my life change if I love my environment, which I already do, and if I take a couple of smaller things in my life and tweak them a little, would it change something bigger for me. I may start watching the little things I spend $$$ on and see what happens. Anyways, the book was interesting and if you are interested in marketing, it's been a bestseller, so you may gain insight for your own business.


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