My adventures and other things I find interesting

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ears Pieced

Yes, I just got my ears re-pierced last night. I haven't had them pierced in years. I was getting infections in one of them so let them grow over. Got them repierced and the same thing happened. Maybe it was bad metal that my skin can't tolerate. I, since, haven't had my ears pierced in 15+ years. I wear my hair down most of the time and it was also another thing to take care of so I just haven't bothered. I have thought about getting it done off and on and it has been suggested by previous boyfriends also. This past birthday, my current man, Pete, took the bull by the horns and got me a gift certificate to get them done. He made sure that if I really didn't want to do it then I could get the $$ towards something else. He created what he wanted and I just got them done last night. Hurt like #$%#$#. Now I have sparkly earrings on. It feels weird to have them done, but I'll get used to them in no time. Guess I'm more "girly" now.:)


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