My adventures and other things I find interesting

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In The News

After I got back to where I was staying for the race, my friends came back and we were just chatting while I was getting some food into me. One of the gals, Lisa, had been talking with a reporter from the Okanagan Sun during the run portion and she was noticing all the support I was getting from friends. The reporter thought this might be a good slant for part of her race coverage. Lisa told me that she would be calling me the next day for a phone interview!!! Holy cow!! How funny, but very cool. So I had an interview with her yesterday and the paper comes out on Thurs. She said it could also be viewed online at so you can check it out here. If I can, I'll try to post the article here on my blog.

My friend, Lisa, has been an Iron"woman" finisher many times, is a coach for women and put on many women's races especially in the states. She also put on the first ever adventure race for women and was writeen up in Sports Illustrated for Women for that. She is a free-lance journalist who has written many articles for triathlon magazines and websites. As I write this, she flew off from Penticton to Germany to cover the World Rowing Championships. With this background, she was asked to write a book for women in the sport of triathlon which is called "Triathlon for Women". Even as an experienced triathlete myself, I picked up a few pointers and it's always good to refresh the basics. She will also be written up as a book review in the above paper so check it out. Thanks for being such a great networker and friend!!


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