First Tri in a Decade!

Wow! I did it. It's been 11 years actually since I did my last triathlon. Can't believe it's been that long when it was such a big part of my life back then. Anyways, since I'm doing Ironman I had to get back in the saddle. It was suggested to me since I haven't raced in so long that it would be a good idea to do some shorter, more intense races to get used to pain, digging deep and working intensely since the longer steadier stuff is much easier for me. My friend, Kari, who was my most excellent crew person for the Kelowna race (see below) was doing it so I thought it would be fun to do together. The race was in Delta and well organized. It had over 300 competitors and luckily it was a nice day although windy. The course was very flat and fast. I had just got some new bike equipment so was getting used to that also. Had to work out the kinks. Anyways, I felt pretty good in the race especially considering that I had a cold last week, but still have more kinks to work out and some leg chaffing to heal up - ouch! I did win my age group which surprised me a little. The age groups around me were faster - guess all the gals in my age group are having babies or something. Kari also won her age group so I'm glad she's not in mine. Mark was the most excellent tri crew person also especially for his first live triathlon. Pic is compliments of him. So it's another positive step towards my Ironman goal.
Kathy! Congratulations!!! Wayyyy to go! Sending warm regards, Julia (long time no see!)
9:28 PM
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