My adventures and other things I find interesting

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ear Candling

There is this thing called ear candling which I tried with my friend, Marcia, on Friday nite. I think it's supposed to be an older way of really cleaning out you ears. It's a candle length hollow tube of waxy substance that you light it on fire and stick the other end in your ear. We had the candle through the middle of an aluminum pie plate to catch the ashes, although one did fly into Marcia's mouth - sorry, it was my first time. The pressure from the flame draws out the wax from your ears. It's not the most pleasnat feeling with a pointy wax thing in your ear, but it's OK for the 15 minutes it took to do each ear. After we finished, we cut open the bottom of the candle and could see the stuff that was drawn up. I'd like to light one on it's own to see if anything would be in the bottom as a comparison. If all the stuff that was there, truly came from my ears, then I would be doing this again since I didn't think that much stuff could come from deep inside my ears. I'll have to do an experiment. Anyways, it's been something I've thought of trying. Haven't noticed a lot of difference with it yet, but at least I've tried it now.


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