So I just got my hands on some rollers for my new bike. Have I told you how much I love my new bike yet?? :) Anyways, I was speaking with a former pro bike racer and he was selling me on how rollers can make me a much more efficient rider. it really shows how little movements or bad positioning can make you ride not in a straight line so you lose energy with all the lateral movemnt. For those of you who don't know what rollers are it looks like this.

Like a bike trainer, but with no fixed attachments. Yes, me the klutz has one. I tried it last nite for the first time and wasn't half bad. I put it between a door frame and did need to use it for support. Better than crashing!!! I'm all for training more efficiently since my base is smaller than before and I'm that much older than when I last raced. The gal that lives below me came up and said that it sounded like a truck was going through her condo. Great. Not sure what to do about that except do it in the morning when she's at work. Oh well. Here's to me staying upright!
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