My adventures and other things I find interesting

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bear Bell

Well I had a fantastic Xmas back in Ontario. I only had a few days there so, sorry to all Ontario friends - it was a family only vacation. I'll see you when I have more time there. I have a new nephew, Emmitt, and I was assured quite strongly from both brothers that this will be my last niece or nephew. Since I am a 6 time aunt, I'm ok with that and had so much fun visiting with all of them over the holidays.

Amongst all the wonderful cards, gifts, greetings I received, the funniest gift was from my Aunt Polly who got me a bear bell. This is something you put on your pack and it jingles so bears know that you are coming so they usually leave you alone if they hear you. She bought it after my solo backpacking on the Nootka Trail. Just for the record, I did have bear spray with me and it was on my waist pack ready for emergency use. I'm not completely unsafe!!! Anyways, I got a kick out of the bell and I also need it for a shorter adventure race I'm doing in May as part of the mandatory gear. Hope you all had a great Xmas and New Year!


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