My adventures and other things I find interesting

Monday, September 25, 2006

Dan Millman

Over the weekend I went and heard Dan Millman speak (thanks Marcia). He's written 'The Way of the Peaceful Warrior' amongst other books. This first book is currently a feature film out in theaters. I saw the movie last month and enjoyed it. He was a champion gymnast - and still a very fit 60 year old guy who did a handstand on stage!!! I like the fact that he can relate meditation/etc to being an Uber athlete. In another of his books, Body,Mind Mastery, he discusses how you can get to reach high goals, but staying centered and not pushing too hard. I am going to try to use this for my Ironman training. Yes, this might be hard for me, but being afraid of being a super-taz has also kept me from having a big goal lately. So it's great for me to have this resource. I also like that he relates Eastern based principles into daily, real life and makes things very practical and doable. So I highly encourage anyone who's interested to check out the movie, Peaceful Warrior.


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