My adventures and other things I find interesting

Friday, April 06, 2007

Pacific Populaire

To celebrate the first day of April, I went in the Pacific Populaire ride which is put on by the BC Randonneurs. This club does a lot of long distance bicycle trips - as in the shortest ride is usually 200km. I'm not kidding when I say long!!! In this annual ride, you can do either 25km, 50km or 100km. There are all kinds of bikes, lots of kids, refreshments at different stations and just lots of new and fun people. The day was great out, only a little rain and wind, but mostly clear. I did the 100km to get some training in and met some fun people. I did push it a little just to see where I was at and I definitely felt my legs the next day. I would definitely do it again as it's well organized, good for all different levels and ages and would recommend it to others for sure. Check it out next year!


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