Summer Solstice and Bingo
Marcia came up to visit me around the summer solstice weekend. We had a great hike up the High Rim Trail. It is about 50+km and goes up the east side of the lakes to Vernon. We only went out for a couple of hours, but it would be fun to do the whole thing. At least in sections as there are some different access point.
We had a rainy day and decided that we would go to bingo. I treat a few older ladies and they talk of bingo. I had never been so we went for a couple of hours. I didn't know there was so much to bingo with all the different games and rules, etc. It wasn't smoking - actually quite clean and quiet. I got lots of cards and got dizzy by the end of a few games for looking quickly at all the cards. We even had to buy our own dabbers. We were trying so hard not to laugh too much and annoy the serious regular. Neither of us won so we yelled BINGO in the car on the way home:).
That night was the summer solstice and there was a celebration at the Summerhill Winery. There is a pyramid there that they let their wine sit in to get the pyramidal energy, etc. I need to take a proper tour to find out more. At the top of the pyramid inside is a huge crystal. There was a meditation, potluck veggie dinner and, then, drumming and dancing afterwards. It was very cool and would go again.
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